日常开发中,我们会在配置文件中配置一些属性,然后通过诸如@Value注解来使用它,我们这次就分析下Spring Boot是如何加载、解析的。
在Spring Boot启动过程中会构建SpringApplication,这个过程中会加载一个监听器:EnvironmentPostProcessorApplicationListener,然后SpringApplication的prepareEnvironment()方法会发布一个事件,而这个时间会被EnvironmentPostProcessorApplicationListener监听到从而开始执行onApplicationEvent()方法,然后经过层层调用最终会调用Spring的方法去解析和加载资源文件中的属性,并最终将解析到的属性放入到Environment中,供后续使用。我们还是先通过一张图来对整个加载流程有个大概的认识。

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| @Override public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) { if (event instanceof ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent environmentPreparedEvent) { onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(environmentPreparedEvent); } if (event instanceof ApplicationPreparedEvent) { onApplicationPreparedEvent(); } if (event instanceof ApplicationFailedEvent) { onApplicationFailedEvent(); } }
private void onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event) { ConfigurableEnvironment environment = event.getEnvironment(); SpringApplication application = event.getSpringApplication(); for (EnvironmentPostProcessor postProcessor : getEnvironmentPostProcessors(application.getResourceLoader(), event.getBootstrapContext())) { postProcessor.postProcessEnvironment(environment, application); } }
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| @Override public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) { postProcessEnvironment(environment, application.getResourceLoader(), application.getAdditionalProfiles()); }
void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, Collection<String> additionalProfiles) { this.logger.trace("Post-processing environment to add config data"); resourceLoader = (resourceLoader != null) ? resourceLoader : new DefaultResourceLoader(); getConfigDataEnvironment(environment, resourceLoader, additionalProfiles).processAndApply(); }
ConfigDataEnvironment getConfigDataEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, Collection<String> additionalProfiles) { return new ConfigDataEnvironment(this.logFactory, this.bootstrapContext, environment, resourceLoader, additionalProfiles, this.environmentUpdateListener); }
这个方法的主要作用是处理和应用配置数据,包括处理没有配置文件和有配置文件的 ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors
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| void processAndApply() { ConfigDataImporter importer = new ConfigDataImporter(this.logFactory, this.notFoundAction, this.resolvers, this.loaders); registerBootstrapBinder(this.contributors, null, DENY_INACTIVE_BINDING); ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors contributors = processInitial(this.contributors, importer); ConfigDataActivationContext activationContext = createActivationContext( contributors.getBinder(null, BinderOption.FAIL_ON_BIND_TO_INACTIVE_SOURCE)); contributors = processWithoutProfiles(contributors, importer, activationContext); activationContext = withProfiles(contributors, activationContext); contributors = processWithProfiles(contributors, importer, activationContext); applyToEnvironment(contributors, activationContext, importer.getLoadedLocations(), importer.getOptionalLocations()); }
private ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors processInitial(ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors contributors, ConfigDataImporter importer) { this.logger.trace("Processing initial config data environment contributors without activation context"); contributors = contributors.withProcessedImports(importer, null); registerBootstrapBinder(contributors, null, DENY_INACTIVE_BINDING); return contributors; }
这个方法的主要作用是处理配置数据的导入。它首先获取当前的导入阶段,然后遍历所有的 ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor
,对每个 ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor
进行处理。如果 ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor
是未绑定的导入,那么就将其绑定到属性上;如果不是,那么就解析和加载配置数据的位置,然后将解析和加载的结果添加到 ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor
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| ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors withProcessedImports(ConfigDataImporter importer, ConfigDataActivationContext activationContext) { ImportPhase importPhase = ImportPhase.get(activationContext); this.logger.trace(LogMessage.format("Processing imports for phase %s. %s", importPhase, (activationContext != null) ? activationContext : "no activation context")); ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors result = this; int processed = 0; while (true) { ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor contributor = getNextToProcess(result, activationContext, importPhase); if (contributor == null) { this.logger.trace(LogMessage.format("Processed imports for of %d contributors", processed)); return result; } if (contributor.getKind() == Kind.UNBOUND_IMPORT) { ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor bound = contributor.withBoundProperties(result, activationContext); result = new ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors(this.logger, this.bootstrapContext, result.getRoot().withReplacement(contributor, bound)); continue; } ConfigDataLocationResolverContext locationResolverContext = new ContributorConfigDataLocationResolverContext( result, contributor, activationContext); ConfigDataLoaderContext loaderContext = new ContributorDataLoaderContext(this); List<ConfigDataLocation> imports = contributor.getImports(); this.logger.trace(LogMessage.format("Processing imports %s", imports)); Map<ConfigDataResolutionResult, ConfigData> imported = importer.resolveAndLoad(activationContext, locationResolverContext, loaderContext, imports); this.logger.trace(LogMessage.of(() -> getImportedMessage(imported.keySet()))); ConfigDataEnvironmentContributor contributorAndChildren = contributor.withChildren(importPhase, asContributors(imported)); result = new ConfigDataEnvironmentContributors(this.logger, this.bootstrapContext, result.getRoot().withReplacement(contributor, contributorAndChildren)); processed++; } }
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| Map<ConfigDataResolutionResult, ConfigData> resolveAndLoad(ConfigDataActivationContext activationContext, ConfigDataLocationResolverContext locationResolverContext, ConfigDataLoaderContext loaderContext, List<ConfigDataLocation> locations) { try { Profiles profiles = (activationContext != null) ? activationContext.getProfiles() : null; List<ConfigDataResolutionResult> resolved = resolve(locationResolverContext, profiles, locations); return load(loaderContext, resolved); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("IO error on loading imports from " + locations, ex); } }
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| private Map<ConfigDataResolutionResult, ConfigData> load(ConfigDataLoaderContext loaderContext, List<ConfigDataResolutionResult> candidates) throws IOException { Map<ConfigDataResolutionResult, ConfigData> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = candidates.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ConfigDataResolutionResult candidate = candidates.get(i); ConfigDataLocation location = candidate.getLocation(); ConfigDataResource resource = candidate.getResource(); this.logger.trace(LogMessage.format("Considering resource %s from location %s", resource, location)); if (resource.isOptional()) { this.optionalLocations.add(location); } if (this.loaded.contains(resource)) { this.logger .trace(LogMessage.format("Already loaded resource %s ignoring location %s", resource, location)); this.loadedLocations.add(location); } else { try { ConfigData loaded = this.loaders.load(loaderContext, resource); if (loaded != null) { this.logger.trace(LogMessage.format("Loaded resource %s from location %s", resource, location)); this.loaded.add(resource); this.loadedLocations.add(location); result.put(candidate, loaded); } } catch (ConfigDataNotFoundException ex) { handle(ex, location, resource); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); }
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| <R extends ConfigDataResource> ConfigData load(ConfigDataLoaderContext context, R resource) throws IOException { ConfigDataLoader<R> loader = getLoader(context, resource); this.logger.trace(LogMessage.of(() -> "Loading " + resource + " using loader " + loader.getClass().getName())); return loader.load(context, resource); }
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| @Override public ConfigData load(ConfigDataLoaderContext context, StandardConfigDataResource resource) throws IOException, ConfigDataNotFoundException { if (resource.isEmptyDirectory()) { return ConfigData.EMPTY; } ConfigDataResourceNotFoundException.throwIfDoesNotExist(resource, resource.getResource()); StandardConfigDataReference reference = resource.getReference(); Resource originTrackedResource = OriginTrackedResource.of(resource.getResource(), Origin.from(reference.getConfigDataLocation())); String name = String.format("Config resource '%s' via location '%s'", resource, reference.getConfigDataLocation()); List<PropertySource<?>> propertySources = reference.getPropertySourceLoader().load(name, originTrackedResource); PropertySourceOptions options = (resource.getProfile() != null) ? PROFILE_SPECIFIC : NON_PROFILE_SPECIFIC; return new ConfigData(propertySources, options); }
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| @Override public List<PropertySource<?>> load(String name, Resource resource) throws IOException { List<Map<String, ?>> properties = loadProperties(resource); if (properties.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<PropertySource<?>> propertySources = new ArrayList<>(properties.size()); for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { String documentNumber = (properties.size() != 1) ? " (document #" + i + ")" : ""; propertySources.add(new OriginTrackedMapPropertySource(name + documentNumber, Collections.unmodifiableMap(properties.get(i)), true)); } return propertySources; }
private List<Map<String, ?>> loadProperties(Resource resource) throws IOException { String filename = resource.getFilename(); List<Map<String, ?>> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (filename != null && filename.endsWith(XML_FILE_EXTENSION)) { result.add((Map) PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource)); } else { List<Document> documents = new OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader(resource).load(); documents.forEach((document) -> result.add(document.asMap())); } return result; }
这个类是处理.properties结尾文件的,如果yml文件会有另外一个类处理,最终返回一个Document类型的List集合。其中Document内部有一个被声明为Map<String, OriginTrackedValue>的LinkedHashMap,以存储读取到的属性值。
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| List<Document> load() throws IOException { return load(true); }
List<Document> load(boolean expandLists) throws IOException { List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>(); Document document = new Document(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try (CharacterReader reader = new CharacterReader(this.resource)) { while (reader.read()) { if (reader.isCommentPrefixCharacter()) { char commentPrefixCharacter = reader.getCharacter(); if (isNewDocument(reader)) { if (!document.isEmpty()) { documents.add(document); } document = new Document(); } else { if (document.isEmpty() && !documents.isEmpty()) { document = documents.remove(documents.size() - 1); } reader.setLastLineCommentPrefixCharacter(commentPrefixCharacter); reader.skipComment(); } } else { reader.setLastLineCommentPrefixCharacter(-1); loadKeyAndValue(expandLists, document, reader, buffer); } } } if (!document.isEmpty() && !documents.contains(document)) { documents.add(document); } return documents; }
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| private void loadKeyAndValue(boolean expandLists, Document document, CharacterReader reader, StringBuilder buffer) throws IOException { String key = loadKey(buffer, reader).trim(); if (expandLists && key.endsWith("[]")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 2); int index = 0; do { OriginTrackedValue value = loadValue(buffer, reader, true); document.put(key + "[" + (index++) + "]", value); if (!reader.isEndOfLine()) { reader.read(); } } while (!reader.isEndOfLine()); } else { OriginTrackedValue value = loadValue(buffer, reader, false); document.put(key, value); } }